Len's Lyrics

朝が来ない森 ♥ Asa ga Konai Mori ♥ Forest Where Morning Never Comes

lyrics/作詞: ALEXアレックス

music/作曲: ALEXアレックス

vocals/歌: Suiga Sora穂歌ソラ

release date/リリース日付: 2017-10-28

Suiga Sora穂歌ソラ

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仄暗い闇 眠る木々達

honogurai yami nemuru kigi-tachi

Gloomy darkness, sleeping trees


asa ga konai mori de

In a forest where morning never comes,


towa ni tsuzuku michi de

on a road that goes on forever,


kage o oikakete'ru

I'm chasing shadows

幼子の様に 無邪気なままで

osanago no yō ni mujaki na mama de

Like young children, simple-mindedly,

生きとし生けるもの 終わらない遊戯に 

ikitoshi ikeru mono owaranai yūgi ni

all living things are drawn


hikareru kono mori de

by an unending game in this forest

醒めぬ夢と 現実リアルの狭間 

samenu yume to riaru no hazama

In the threshold between endless dream and reality,


kasuka na vijon

I have a faint vision


deguchi no nai kono kurayami ga

This darkness with no exit

誘う はこの外へ

izanau hako no soto e

lures me out of my box


koe ga kikoe furikaeru

I hear a voice and turn around


mō modorenu basho

I'm at a place of no return


"ikanaide ……" to hikitomeru

"Don't go ……," I'm held back


natsukashii oto

by an old familiar sound


toki wa utsuriyuku

Time goes on moving


sekai kawariyuku

The world goes on changing


mori wa kieyuku

The forest goes on fading

僅かな光 探し彷徨う

wazuka na hikari sagashi samayou

I roam searching for some meagre light


asa ga konai mori ni

In a forest where morning never comes,


towa ni tsuzuku michi ni

on a road that goes on forever,


tojikomerarete ita

I've been locked up

思い出すのは 孤独な時間

omoidasu no wa kodoku na jikan

NoteWhat I recall is a time of loneliness

closeor of solitude

籠の中の鳥は 籠の外へ焦がれ 

kago no naka no tori wa kago no soto e kogare

A bird inside a cage yearns for the outside of the cage


ima habataite yuku

and now flaps its wings

体縛る 消されぬカルマ 

karada shibaru kesarenu karuma

Unfading karma binds our bodies


tsumi ga fuete'ku

Our sins grow in number

闇に踊る 妖精フェアリー達が 

yami ni odoru fearī-tachi ga

Fairies that dance in the dark


yukusaki o terashite'ru

are illuminating the way ahead

朝が来ない森の中 抜け出した先に

asa ga konai mori no naka nukedashita saki ni

When I escaped from the forest where morning never comes,

待っている人がいると 知っているから

matte iru hito ga iru to shitte iru kara

I knew there would be someone waiting there

初めての気持ち 胸に抱いたまま 

hajimete no kimochi mune ni daita mama

While thus holding in my heart a feeling I felt for the first time,


kono mori o saru

I leave this forest


koe ga kikoe furikaeru

I hear a voice and turn around


mō modorenu basho

I'm at a place of no return


"ikanaide ……" to hikitomeru

"Don't go ……," I'm held back


natsukashii oto

by an old familiar sound


toki wa utsuriyuku

Time goes on moving


sekai kawariyuku

The world goes on changing


mori wa kieyuku

The forest goes on fading


yoake wa chikai

Dawn approaches

Last modified 09 February 2025/最終更新日2025年02月09日 ♥ Home/ホームページLicense/ライセンスContact/コンタクトTranslation/翻訳についてRōmaji/ローマ字について