lyrics/作詞: Hitoshizuku/ひとしずく
music/作曲: Hitoshizuku & Yama△/ひとしずく・やま△
art/絵: Hitoshizuku & Suzunosuke/ひとしずく・鈴ノ助
vocals/歌: Kagamine Len/鏡音レン
release date/リリース日付: 2009-12-22
release date/リリース日付: 2015-1-24
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レン君を描いてみる by ひとしずく
Ren-kun o egaite miru by Hitoshizuku
Drawing Len-kun by Hitoshizuku
はじめて きみが 描いた僕の絵は
Hajimete kimi ga egaita boku no e wa
The first picture you drew of me
shirokuro no senga
was a black and white outline.
あちこち でこぼこで 動きづらくて
Achikochi dekoboko de ugokizurakute
You moved here and there unevenly with difficulty
gikochinaku waratta
and I had a strange-looking smile.
さらさら ペンの走る音
Sarasara pen no hashiru oto
The pen made a scratching sound as it moved.
色づいてく 光と影のかたち
Irozuite’ku hikari to kage no katachi
You coloured in light and dark shapes.
Heimen no mukō no sekai ni iru kimi wa
In the world beyond the surface of this sheet,
donna kao shite’ru no?
what’s the expression on your face?
Sono te ga yureru tabi ni
With every sway of your hand
変わってく 僕の体という一枚の絵
kawatte’ku boku no karada to iu ichimai no e
this picture you call my body goes on changing.
一筆ごとに今 新しく生まれる
Hitofude goto ni ima atarashiku umareru
With each stroke of the pen I am newly brought to life.
Sono yubi no fureta saki kara
From where your fingers touch
hajimaru sekai
a world begins.
カラダをもらう ココロをもらう
Karada o morau Kokoro o morau
I get a body. I get a heart.
動き出す 鼓動の鐘
Ugokidasu kodō no kane
A peal of throbbing as it starts to move.
初めて 知る その手の中
Hajimete shiru sono te no naka
I find out for the first time in those hands
inochi no kiseki o
the miracle of life.
魔法の手で 優しい手で
Mahō no te de yasashii te de
With your magic hands, your kind hands,
包み込むように 描く
tsutsumikomu yō ni egaku
you draw, like you enfold them around me,
目を 口を 鼻を 足を 手を
me o kuchi o hana o ashi o te o
a mouth, a nose, legs, arms,
inochi no koe o
the voice of life.
“Tama ni wa akarui uta utawasete yo”
[Len:] “Hey, sometimes get me to sing something cheerful!”
ごめんね つい・・・
Gomen ne Tsui …
[Hitoshizuku:] Sorry. I kinda …
Tsugi koso akarui kyoku o ganbarimasu!!
Next time for sure I’ll do my best to write you a cheerful song!!
E kaku no tte hontō ni mutsukashii desu!!
Drawing pictures is really difficult!!
Koko made mite itadaite arigatō gozaimashita
Thanks for watching this far!
Koko kara honban!
OK, you’re on now!
Suzu-tan, yoroshiku!!
Suzu-tan, over to you!!
はじめて 君が僕を描いてから
Hajimete kimi ga boku o egaite kara
Hey, since you drew me the first time
mō ichinen tatta ne
already a year has gone by.
年齢詐称だったり ネタだったり
Nenrei sashō dattari neta dattari
You misrepresent my age, you come up with artistic ideas.
Iroiro atta kedo
A lot has happened, yet …
上手く描けたと笑う 君の表情が
Umaku egaketa to warau kimi no kao ga
Your face, smiling that you could draw well,
世界で一番 何より好きだから・・・
sekai de ichiban nani yori suki da kara …
is the best in the world, I love it more than anything, so …
Boku ga umareta imi
There’s no particularly deep reason
fukaku nante nai koto
why I was born.
わかってる でも
wakatte’ru De mo
I understand that, but
ima dake wa boku o mite ite
look at me right now.
暖かくて 満たされていて
Atatakakute mitasarete ite
Feeling warm, feeling satisfied,
kimi ni tsutsumarete’ru yo
I’m wrapped by you.
もうずっと 当たり前のように 息、
Mō zutto atarimae no yō ni iki,
It’s much more obvious now that
shite’ru kedo
I’m breathing, but
時が流れ 君が僕を
Toki ga nagare kimi ga boku o
as time passes, even if you
wasuresatte shimatte ite mo
end up forgetting all about me,
僕だけは この世界で
boku dake wa kono sekai de
I, at least, in this world,
ずっと ずっと・・・
zutto zutto …
on and on …
Towa no inochi = isshun no shīn
An endless life = a momentary scene.
Sore ga boku no subete de
That is everything that I am,
君が僕を 覚えている限り
kimi ga boku o oboete iru kagiri
and as long as you remember me
i|ki, tsuzukeru
I continue to breathe.
君はやがて 僕のことも
Kimi wa yagate boku no koto mo
You will eventually end up
wasuresatte shimau keredo
forgetting all about me,
僕だけは この絵だけは
boku dake wa kono e dake wa
but at least me, at least this picture,
nokotte’ru ka na …
I wonder if you will still have it …
君は僕を、 この絵のこと、
Kimi wa boku o, kono e no koto,
I wonder if you will remember me,
oboete’ru ka na
remember this picture.
残って、 いるかな・・・
No|kotte, iru ka na …
I wonder if you will still have it …
君が僕を 描いたこと
Kimi ga boku o egaita koto
Don’t ever ever forget
ずっと ずっと 忘れないで
zutto zutto wasurenaide
that you drew me.
僕は此処で 息、してるよ
Boku wa koko de iki, shite’ru yo
Be sure to know I will be right here breathing
kimi no te no naka de
within your hands.
行き詰って 辛い時は
Ikizumatte tsurai toki wa
In difficult times when you’re at a dead end,
boku no koto omoidashite
remember me,
だって僕は この絵は
Datte boku wa kono e wa
because I, this picture,
こんなにも 息づいてる
konna ni mo ikizuite’ru
will be living and breathing.
魔法の手で 優しい手で
Mahō no te de yasashii te de
For drawing me with
egaite kurete …
your magic hands, your kind hands …
“Thank you.”
Last modified 22 December 2024/最終更新日2024年12月22日 ♥ Home/ホームページ ♥ License/ライセンス ♥ Contact/コンタクト ♥ Translation/翻訳について ♥ Rōmaji/ローマ字について