Len's Lyrics

モノクロームモノローグ ♥ Monokurōmu Monorōgu ♥ Monochrome Monologue

喪失 by kasho

lyrics/作詞: Karasuya Sabouカラスヤサボウ

music/作曲: Karasuya Sabouカラスヤサボウ

art/絵: kasho

vocals/歌: Kagamine Len鏡音レン

release date/リリース日付: 2010-8-9

Kagamine Len鏡音レン

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散らかった言葉はほら 白く意味をなくし

chirakatta kotoba wa hora shiroku imi o nakushi

Look how randomly scattered words lose their meaning as if blank

いつか集めた花は 黒く枯れてゆく

itsuka atsumeta hana wa kuroku karete yuku

and flowers I once collected blacken and wither

時計の針は止まり 時間切れを告げて

tokei no hari wa tomari jikangire o tsugete

The hands of the clock stop and say that time's up

淡い色の涙は 乾いて消える

awai iro no namida wa kawaite kieru

while pallid tears dry up and fade


munashisa dake de kagayaku daiya

A diamond shines only with emptiness


magaimono no kurōbā o motte

I hold an imitation clover

夢に落ちる そこでまた君を探す

yume ni ochiru soko de mata kimi o sagasu

I'll fall into a dream and again search for you there

壊れたカギ 砕けた星 ガラスのバラ

kowareta kagi kudaketa hoshi garasu no bara

A broken key, a shattered star, a glass rose


hanarete'ku to shirinagara te o nobashita

While knowing that we're moving apart, I reached out my hand


wareta kagami no naka itsuka no egao

In the cracked mirror there's a smile I once knew

散らかった言葉はほら 白い花のように

chirakatta kotoba wa hora shiroi hana no yō ni

Look how randomly scattered words, like a white flower,

“約束”を守れずに 黒く枯れてゆく

"yakusoku" o mamorezu ni kuroku karete yuku

blacken and wither without keeping their "promise"

時計の針は止まり 未だあの日のまま

tokei no hari wa tomari imada ano hi no mama

The hands of the clock stop and, still now as back then,

モノクロカラーの涙は 景色を埋める

monokuro karā no namida wa keshiki o umeru

monochrome-coloured tears fill my field of view

破れたままの スペードのエース

yabureta mama no supēdo no ēsu

A still torn ace of spades

いつの間にか 消えていったハート

itsunomanika kiete itta hāto

and a heart that that vanished before I noticed

夢に落ちる そこでまた君を探す

yume ni ochiru soko de mata kimi o sagasu

I'll fall into a dream and again search for you there

錆びた指輪 なくした歌 曇りの空

sabita yubiwa nakushita uta kumori no sora

A rusted ring, a lost song, a cloudy sky


kiete yuku to shirinagara te o nobashita

While knowing that you're vanishing, I reached out my hand


wareta kagami ni tojikomerareta ima

A present moment trapped in a cracked mirror


yume ni ochiru soko de mata kimi o sagasu

I'll fall into a dream and again search for you there

ほどけた虹 溶けた絵具 消えた言葉

hodoketa niji toketa enogu kieta kotoba

An unravelled rainbow, dissolved paints, lost words


kowarete'ku to shirinagara me o tozashita

While knowing that it's all broken, I closed my eyes


wareta kagami ni tojikomerareta boku wa ima?

Being trapped in a cracked mirror, what will happen to me now?

Last modified 06 August 2024/最終更新日2024年08月06日 ♥ Home/ホームページLicense/ライセンスContact/コンタクトTranslation/翻訳についてRōmaji/ローマ字について