lyrics/作詞: Gensai Kumagai/熊谷幻斎
music/作曲: Gensai Kumagai/熊谷幻斎
vocals/歌: KAITO
release date/リリース日付: 2023-11-3
VocaDB (English)
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki (English)
What might be the cause of the issue of declining birth rate?
hitokage no nai jidōkōen
A playground with hardly a soul around.
koko mo mōjiki teisa rashii ne
I suppose they'll close this one down soon too.
教えておくれ 君たちはなぜ
oshiete okure kimitachi wa naze
Please tell me, all of you, why
umarete kite wa kurenaku natta no?
have you stopped being born to us?
ijimeraretari suru ka mo shirenai kara?
Is it because you might be bullied and stuff?
gyakutai sareru no ga kowai kara?
Is it because you're scared of being abused?
さようなら子供たち 俺たちを見捨てて
sayōnara kodomotachi oretachi o misutete
Goodbye, children. You've abandoned us,
doko e itte shimatta to iu n dai?
so where is that you've all gone?
さようなら子供たち ここはそんなにも
sayōnara kodomotachi koko wa sonna ni mo
Goodbye, children. Does this place
umarete kuru ni wa miryoku no nai basho na no kai?
have no appeal to you to be born to us?
genki ippai asobimawareba
When you play about full of health,
urusai damare to majigire sareru
people get angry at you, telling you to quit the noise and shut up.
bebīkā de densha ni noreba
When you board a train in a stroller,
jama na yatsu da to jaken ni sareru
you're mistreated, told you're in the way.
たとえ生まれたところで 君たちは
tatoe umareta tokoro de kimitachi wa
Have you figured that as soon as you're born,
kangei sarenai to wakaru no ka?
you won't be welcomed?
さようなら子供たち 俺たちを見捨てて
sayōnara kodomotachi oretachi o misutete
Goodbye, children. You've abandoned us,
doko e itte shimatta to iu n dai?
so where is that you've all gone?
さようなら子供たち ここはそんなにも
sayōnara kodomotachi koko wa sonna ni mo
Goodbye, children. Does this place
umarete kuru ni wa miryoku no nai basho na no kai?
have no appeal to you to be born to us?
ごめんな ろくな未来用意してやれなくて
gomen na roku na mirai yōi shite yarenakute
Sorry that we can't prepare a decent future for you.
ごめんな 何もしてやれなくて
gomen na nani mo shite yarenakute
Sorry that we can't do anything for you.
ごめんな 本当にごめんな
gomen na hontō ni gomen na
Sorry, we're truly sorry.
Last modified 27 February 2025/最終更新日2025年02月27日 ♥ Home/ホームページ ♥ License/ライセンス ♥ Contact/コンタクト ♥ Translation/翻訳について ♥ Rōmaji/ローマ字について