producer/制作: Favori
music/作曲: g_k
arrangement/編曲: g_k
vocals/歌: Kagamine Len/鏡音レン
release date/リリース日付: 2020-2-23
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
つかむたびに すりぬけて
tsukamu tabi ni surinukete
Whenever I catch you, you slip away
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
目を合わせて もう一度
me o awasete mō ichido
Our eyes meet and once again
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
"I've got you"
さよなら お別れだって
sayonara owakare da tte
You counted how many times
数えて 何回目?
kazoete nankaime?
you said "Goodbye, I'm leaving"?
駆け引き 引き止めてって
kakehiki hikitomete tte
Saying I use tactics to detain you,
miete wa kakurete
you hide as soon as I see you
言葉で 遊び疲れ
kotoba de asobitsukare
I'm sick of word games,
本音は かくれんぼ
honne wa kakurenbo
playing hide and seek with the truth
飽き飽き つまらないって
akiaki tsumaranai tte
You say you're fed up and bored
内緒の 始まり
naisho no hajimari
That's how a secret relationship starts
How selfish
お互い縛り合い お互い騙し合い
otagai shibariai otagai damashiai
Tying each other down, cheating on each other
warui ko
How naughty you are
むりやり捕まえて 閉じ込めてしまおうか
muriyari tsukamaete tojikomete shimaō ka
Shall I catch you and lock you up by force?
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
つかむたびに すりぬけて
tsukamu tabi ni surinukete
Whenever I catch you, you slip away
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
目を合わせて もう一度
me o awasete mō ichido
Our eyes meet and once again
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
"I've got you"
涙で 油断誘って
namida de yudan sasotte
How many times have you tried
嘘なき 何回目?
usonaki nankaime?
to fool me with crocodile tears?
気持ちを 試してばっか
kimochi o tameshite bakka
You're always sussing out my feelings
自分は 隠して
jibun wa kakushite
while hiding yourself
心に 居座るなら
kokoro ni izuwaru nara
If I dwell in your heart,
君にも 刻ませて
kimi ni mo kizamasete
I'll make you etch yourself in mine
飽きたら 終わらせてって
akitara owarasete tte
You say if I've had enough, let it end
内緒の 始まり
naisho no hajimari
That's how a secret relationship starts
How mean
お互い困らせて お互いとらわれて
otagai komarasete otagai torawarete
Troubled by each other, trapped by each other
How mischievous
強引に引き込んで 仕舞いこんでしまおうか
gōin ni hikikonde shimaikonde shimaō ka
Shall I forcibly win you over and stash you away?
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
可愛そうな 君が好き
kawaisō na kimi ga suki
I like you when you're pitiful
Blame me, Blame me, I want you to blame
Blame me, Blame me, I want you to blame
Blame me, Blame me, I want you to blame
鬼ごっこは 君の負け
onigokko wa kimi no make
We played chasing, you lost
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
You can't run away from me
"I've got you"
How selfish
振り回されている 振り回してあげる
furimawasarete iru furimawashite ageru
being pushed around, pushing around
warui ko
How naughty you are
優しく捕まえて 閉じ込めてあげようか
yasashiku tsukamaete tojikomete ageyō ka
Shall I gently catch you and lock you away?
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
Already you are mine
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
I'm sure you can't escape
All of you are thanks to you
All of you are thanks to you
All of you are thanks to you
zurete iku
We're getting mismatched
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
keep out, shout out, break out again
お互い様 それでいい
otagaisama sore de ii
That suits both of us
絡む 指を 引いて
karamu yubi o hiite
I pull my intertwined fingers away from yours
selfish act
selfish act
selfish act
Last modified 12 February 2025/最終更新日2025年02月12日 ♥ Home/ホームページ ♥ License/ライセンス ♥ Contact/コンタクト ♥ Translation/翻訳について ♥ Rōmaji/ローマ字について