iroaseta gosenshi o
If I gently turn the page
sotto pēji mekureba
of the faded music score
hashirigaki no onpu no naka
memories flood
omoide wa afuredasu
from among the scrawled music notes
masshiro datta chizu o
Having stuffed into my bag
gyutto kaban ni tsumete
a map that used to be blank,
ashiato o furikaereba
when I look back at my footprints
soko de kimi ga waratte'ru
you're there smiling
波が全部さらって いった日に
nami ga zenbu saratte itta hi ni
On days when the waves swept everything away
僕はサヨナラを しないと決めた
boku wa sayonara o shinai to kimeta
I decided not to say goodbye
明日のために きみのために
asu no tame ni kimi no tame ni
For tomorrow, for you,
utaitsuzukete yuku
I go on singing
10年先も 100年先だって
jūnen saki mo hyakunen saki datte
10 years from now, even 100 years from now,
止まらない ミュージック
tomaranai myūjikku
the music won't stop
緊急事態 焦る時代
kinkyūjitai aseru jidai
A state of emergency, an impatient era
dakara koso mitsumete'ke tsugi no mirai
For that very reason keep your eyes on the future up next
うずくまって ちぢこまっていないで
uzukumatte chijikomatte inaide
Don't cower or shrink
"mate" tte iwareyō ga tomaranai ze
Though we're told to wait, we won't stop
新しい風 流れ込むカフェで
atarashii kaze nagarekomu kafe de
At a cafe where a new wind blows
kiku poppu rokku ga ikiru kate
the pop/rock you hear gives vitality
生きるため きみがため 生きるだけ
ikiru tame kimi ga tame ikiru dake
For you to live, all we do is live
yurashite miyō ka sekai made
Shall we rock them along with their world?
irotoridori no yume o
You taught me
oshiete kureta
all kinds of dreams
atatakai sono taion o
You're the one who shared with me
boku ni wakete kureta hito
the warmth of your body
me ni mienai ame ni
Holding my breath
iki o koroshite
in an invisible rain,
kurete yuku machi ni mo
in this town too where we're living
hi wa noboridasu
the sun will rise
明日のために 僕のために
asu no tame ni boku no tame ni
For tomorrow, for myself,
kyō mo utatte iru
I sing even today
朝も昼も夜も いつだって
asa mo hiru mo yoru mo itsudatte
Morning, noon and night, always
そばにいて ウィズミ―
soba ni ite mwizumī
be beside me, with me
何のために 誰のために
nan no tame ni dare no tame ni
For what purpose and for whom
kumo wa nagarete yuku
do clouds travel along?
迷いながら 惑いながらで
mayoinagara madoinagara de
While we lose our way, while unsure what to do,
かまわない チューニング
kamawanai chūningu
it doesn't affect our tuning
明日のために きみのために
asu no tame ni kimi no tame ni
For tomorrow, for you,
utaitsuzukete yuku
I keep on singing
10年先も 100年先だって
jūnen saki mo hyakunen saki datte
10 years from now, even 100 years from now,
止まらない ミュージック
tomaranai myūjikku
the music won't stop
となりにいる ミュージック
tonari ni iru myūjikku
You're the music next to me
僕を呼んでる ミュージック
boku o yonde'ru myūjikku
You're the music that's calling me
ひとりで いないで 手をとって
hitori de inaide te o totte
Don't be alone Take my hand
ふたりで 見つけて 輪になって
futari de mitsukete wa ni natte
Let's find it together Let's form a circle
Last modified 07 February 2025/最終更新日2025年02月07日 ♥ Home/ホームページ ♥ License/ライセンス ♥ Contact/コンタクト ♥ Translation/翻訳について ♥ Rōmaji/ローマ字について