Len's Lyrics

小さきもの ♥ Chiisaki Mono ♥ Little One

lyrics/作詞: Miura Yoshiko/三浦徳子

music/作曲: Yamautsuri Takahiro/山移高寛

vocals/歌: Asuca Hayashi/林明日香

release date/リリース日付: 2003-7-9

Kagamine Rin鏡音リン

play Niconico songgo to Niconico

Hatsune Miku初音ミク

play Niconico songgo to Niconico日

Asuca Hayashi/林明日香

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Theme song for the movie Pokémon: Jirachi, Wish Maker.

ポケモン映画「七夜の願い星 ジラーチ」の主題歌。




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静かにただ 見つめてた

shizuka ni tada mitsumete'ta

I was simply gazing in silence


chiisaki mono nemuru kao

at the little one, a sleeping face.

眉間にしわ 少しだけ寄せてる

miken ni shiwa sukoshi dake yosete'ru

Their eyebrows are frowning just a bit.

怖い夢なら 目を覚まして

kowai yume nara me o samashite

If it's a scary dream, then wake up.

水がこわくて しり込みしてた

mizu ga kowakute shirigomi shite'ta

I was scared of the water and shrinked back.


ano natsu ga yomigaeru yo

That summer comes back to me.


senaka osarete wa yatto oyogeta

I was urged from behind and finally was able swim.


marude kinō mitai desu

It seems just like yesterday.


koe ga kikoeru

I can hear a voice.

ゆくべき道 指さしている

yuku beki michi yubisashite iru

It's pointing to the way I should go.

さらさら流る 風の中でひとり

sarasara nagaru kaze no naka de hitori

Alone in the flowing, rustling wind,

わたし うたっています

watashi utatte imasu

I'm singing.

小さきもの それは私

chiisaki mono sore wa watashi

The little one, that's me.

私です まぎれなく

watashi desu magirenaku

It's me, there's no doubt.

鏡の中 心細さだけが

kagami no naka kokorobososa dake ga

In the mirror there's only helplessness

誰にも負けない 明日になるよ

dare ni makenai ashita ni naru yo

Tomorrow, I'll be undefeated by anyone.

そしてわたしは 幼い頃に

soshite watashi wa osanai koro ni

So then, I'll gradually


sukoshizutsu modotte yuku

return to when I was young,

意味も知らず歌う 恋の歌を

imi mo shirazu utau koi no uta o

to the days I would be praised

誉めてくれた あの日に

homete kureta ano hi ni

for singing a love song I didn't understand.


sora o aogeba

When I look up at the sky,

満ちてくる わたしの声が

michite kuru watashi no koe ga

my voice rises to the full.

さらさら 流る 風の中で君も

sarasara nagaru kaze no naka de kimi mo

In the flowing, rustling wind,

ふわり 舞い上がれ

fuwari maiagare

float and soar up with me.


koe ga kikoeru

I can hear a voice.

ゆくべき道 指さしている

yuku beki michi yubisashite iru

It's pointing to the way I should go.

さらさら流る 風の中でひとり

sarasara nagaru kaze no naka de hitori

Alone in the flowing, rustling wind,

わたし うたっています

watashi utatte imasu

I'm singing.

大切なものは すぐそばにある

taisetsu na mono wa sugu soba ni aru

What's dearest to me is right beside me.


sono koto ni kizuita

I realized that.


sora o aogeba

When I look up at the sky,

満ちてくる わたしの声が

michite kuru watashi no koe ga

my voice rises to the full.

さらさら 流る 風の中で君も

sarasara nagaru kaze no naka de kimi mo

In the flowing, rustling wind,

ふわり 舞い上がれ

fuwari maiagare

float and soar up with me.


koe ga kikoeru

I can hear a voice.

ゆくべき道 指さしている

yuku beki michi yubisashite iru

It's pointing to the way I should go.

さらさら流る 風の中でひとり

sarasara nagaru kaze no naka de hitori

Alone in the flowing, rustling wind,

わたし うたっています

watashi utatte imasu

I'm singing.

Last modified 21 December 2024/最終更新日2024年12月21日 ♥ Home/ホームページLicense/ライセンスContact/コンタクトTranslation/翻訳についてRōmaji/ローマ字について