Len's Lyrics

旅路の途中で ♥ Tabiji no Tochū de ♥ Along the Journey

lyrics/作詞: Zankyou-P残鏡P

music/作曲: Kidキッド

arrangement/編曲: Crystal-PHzEdge/クリスタルP

vocals/歌: Kagamine Len鏡音レン

release date/リリース日付: 2011-8-13

Kagamine Len鏡音レン

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kaze ga kodachi to sasayaki kawasu

The wind exchanges whispers with the trees.

寝息を零すような 月闇

neiki o kobosu yō na tsukiyami

Moonlit darkness spills like a sleeper's breath.

爆ぜるかがりを 瞳へ映し

hozeru kagari o hitomi e utsushi

Braziers burst open reflect in our eyes


uranau yō ni hoshi o miageru

as I look up at the stars to tell the future.



Good night.

瞬いた夜が 広がる

matataita yoru ga hirogaru

The twinkling night unfolds.

枯れ枝燃え果て落ちては 風も、消える

kareeda moehate ochite wa kaze mo, kieru

When the deadwood burns out and falls, the wind too disappears.


naida kodō ga sekasanai yō ni

So as not to hasten my settled heartbeat,

切り取ったような 時間にぽつり

kiritotta yō na jikan ni potsuri

I mutter in a time I've cut out for myself.


kigi no saegiru kensō tōku ni

The distant noise is blocked by the trees.


yurameki haeru hokage kiete'ku

Swaying, glowing, firelight shadows are disappearing.



Good night.


ureeta ashita o kakaete

Hanging onto worries about tomorrow,

閉ざしたまぶたの裏へと 闇も、落ちる

tozashita mabuta no ura e to yami mo, ochiru

behind closed eyelids, darkness also falls.


furukizu-darake no tabi wasurete

Forgetting a journey full of old wounds,

今だけ僕も 少し眠ろう

ima dake boku mo sukoshi nemurō

I too shall sleep a little for now.



Good night.


sukoshi no nukumori o sarau

I'll take meagre warmth for myself.

一人で流した雫も 夢へ、落ちる

hitori de nagashita shizuku mo yume e, ochiru

The drops I shed alone also fall towards dreams.


kiete …

They disappear …

Last modified 21 December 2024/最終更新日2024年12月21日 ♥ Home/ホームページLicense/ライセンスContact/コンタクトTranslation/翻訳についてRōmaji/ローマ字について